GLVis  v4.2
Accurate and flexible finite element visualization
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                       GLVis visualization tool

                 _/_/_/  _/      _/      _/  _/
              _/        _/      _/      _/        _/_/_/
             _/  _/_/  _/      _/      _/  _/  _/_/
            _/    _/  _/        _/  _/    _/      _/_/
             _/_/_/  _/_/_/_/    _/      _/  _/_/_/


GLVis is an OpenGL tool for visualization of finite element meshes and functions. It is a multiplatform application that can be built on Linux/Unix systems, including macOS, and under Windows. It can also be used in a Jupyter notebook, or in a web browser, see

We welcome contributions and feedback from the community. Please see the file for additional details about our development process.

When started without any options, glvis starts a server which waits for a socket connections (on port 19916 by default) and visualizes any received data. This way the results of simulations on a remote (parallel) machine can be visualized on the local user desktop.

GLVis can also be used to visualize a mesh with or without a finite element function (solution), as in

``` glvis -m cube.mesh3d ```

For parallel computations, GLVis supports input from several parallel socket connections as well as the visualization of parallel meshes and grid functions saved in separate files from the command line as in

``` glvis -np 4 -m mesh -g solution ```

When given parallel input, GLVis will stitch the results to show the global mesh and solution. GLVis can also run a batch sequence of commands (GLVis scripts), or display previously saved socket streams.

For a complete list of command line options, type

``` glvis -h ```

Depending on the data type, variety of manipulations can be performed by using the mouse and by typing (case sensitive) keystrokes in the GLVis window. Below is a partial list of the available functionality. Some of these keys can also be provided as input, using the -k command-line option and the keys script command.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
LLNL Release Number: LLNL-CODE-443271
DOI: 10.11578/dc.20171025.1249

Mouse functions



Key commands



2D scalar data

3D scalar data

2D vector data

3D vector data