![]() |
Accurate and flexible finite element visualization
This is the complete list of members for glTF_Builder, including all inherited members.
accessors | glTF_Builder | protected |
addAccessor(buffer_view_id bufferView, size_t byteOffset, component_type componentType, size_t count, tensor_type tensorType) | glTF_Builder | |
addAccessorVec2f(buffer_view_id bufferView, size_t byteOffset, size_t count, vec2f min, vec2f max) | glTF_Builder | |
addAccessorVec3f(buffer_view_id bufferView, size_t byteOffset, size_t count, vec3f min, vec3f max) | glTF_Builder | |
addBuffer(const std::string &bufferName) | glTF_Builder | |
addBufferView(buffer_id buffer, const void *data, size_t byteLength, size_t byteStride, size_t byteAlign, target_type target) | glTF_Builder | |
addImage(const std::string &imageName, int width, int height, const color4f *pixels) | glTF_Builder | |
addMaterial(const std::string &materialName, const pbr_matallic_roughness &pbrMetallicRoughness, bool doubleSided=false) | glTF_Builder | |
addMesh(const std::string &meshName) | glTF_Builder | |
addMeshLines(mesh_id mesh, accessor_id vertexPositions, accessor_id vertexTexcoords0, accessor_id vertexColors0, material_id material) | glTF_Builder | |
addMeshTriangles(mesh_id mesh, accessor_id vertexPositions, accessor_id vertexNormals, accessor_id vertexTexCoords0, accessor_id vertexIndices, material_id material) | glTF_Builder | |
addNode(const std::string &nodeName) | glTF_Builder | |
addNodeMesh(node_id node, mesh_id mesh) | glTF_Builder | |
addNodeScale(node_id node, vec3f scale) | glTF_Builder | |
addNodeTranslation(node_id node, vec3f translation) | glTF_Builder | |
addSampler(mag_filter magFilter=mag_filter::NEAREST, min_filter minFilter=min_filter::NEAREST, wrap_type wrapS=wrap_type::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, wrap_type wrapT=wrap_type::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) | glTF_Builder | |
addTexture(sampler_id sampler, image_id source) | glTF_Builder | |
appendToBufferView(buffer_view_id bufferView, const void *data, size_t byteLength) | glTF_Builder | |
buffer_views | glTF_Builder | protected |
buffers | glTF_Builder | protected |
color4f typedef | glTF_Builder | |
component_type enum name | glTF_Builder | |
file_prefix | glTF_Builder | protected |
getMaterialPBRMR(material_id material, pbr_matallic_roughness &pbr_mr_copy) | glTF_Builder | |
glTF_Builder(const std::string &filePrefix) | glTF_Builder | inline |
images | glTF_Builder | protected |
INVALID_ID | glTF_Builder | static |
mag_filter enum name | glTF_Builder | |
materials | glTF_Builder | protected |
meshes | glTF_Builder | protected |
min_filter enum name | glTF_Builder | |
node_bool typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
node_color4f typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
node_float typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
node_string typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
node_unsigned typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
node_vec3f typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
node_vecnf typedef | glTF_Builder | protected |
nodes | glTF_Builder | protected |
print(std::ostream &out, const bool &v) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const unsigned &v) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const float &v) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const std::string &v) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const std::array< T, s > &v) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &v) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const struct_attributes &a) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const struct_texture_info &ti) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print(std::ostream &out, const struct_pbrMetallicRoughness &pbr) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
print_node(std::ostream &out, int &pfx_counter, const std::string &pfx, const node_type< T > &n) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
samplers | glTF_Builder | protected |
sep(size_t i) | glTF_Builder | inlineprotectedstatic |
target_type enum name | glTF_Builder | |
tensor_type enum name | glTF_Builder | |
tensorTypes | glTF_Builder | static |
textures | glTF_Builder | protected |
vec2f typedef | glTF_Builder | |
vec3f typedef | glTF_Builder | |
vecnf typedef | glTF_Builder | |
wrap_type enum name | glTF_Builder | |
writeFile() | glTF_Builder |